Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne



Hibachi is the first self-heating lunchbox that warms your homemade meal to the perfect temperature, everywhere at any t [...]

CHIC has been a unique experience, giving me the opportunity to take away more than just a grade from a project at EPFL.

Florian Maushart - Team Fimi - CHIC 2015

CHIC is absolutely a fantastic experience for me. I learned much more than I expected, from technology to start-ups incubation, commercialisation, and even some manufacturing procedures... Also, we became good friends."

Ziyu Zhao - Team Dory - CHIC 2015

CHIC is the door to a world of opportunities!

Raffael Tschui - Team Dory - CHIC 2015

I wish every day could be as full of learning, challenge and fun as a day with CHIC

Florian Lemarignier - Team FiMi - CHIC 2015

I have discovered a new world and a range of exciting jobs that seemed either unreachable or that I had never imagined before CHIC

Florian Lemarignier - Team FiMi - CHIC 2015

CHIC is not only a semester project: it is a human and cultural experience

Dina Elikan - Team Vesta - CHIC 2015

CHIC was a combination of a large number of discoveries, making contacts, knowledge sharing, an extraordinary teamwork facing a number of surprises and obstacles. In short : challenging! I couldn’t have asked for a better experience at this stage of my studies!

Mélanie Zufferey - Team Dory - CHIC 2015

While CHIC has challenged me as an engineer it has also challenged my understanding of what it needs to launch a product and particularly what incredible possibilities HK/China offers to young entrepreneurs.

Florian Maushart - Team Fimi - CHIC 2015



A low-priced & connected probe engineered for easy water level assessment.


We are protecting children from the risks linked to sun exposure thanks to a connected hat.


Hi ! As all the other teams, we’re 6 students from different background (Valérie, Pierre & Marc from EPFL, Erika [...]


Todoo is the first watch specially designed for children with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) to help them to get on wi [...]

People involved

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  • Rene Beuchat

  • Supervisor
Damien Buchs is a Scientific Project Assistant at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). He holds a Master Degree in Information System from the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC) at the University of Lausanne and a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the School of Engineering and Management Vaud (HEIG-VD). Trained as an economist with management and business development orientation, he has specialized in the fields of Information Technology with a strong interest in Information Architecture, Business Models, and Design Thinking. Passionate about those areas, he designs and develops applications for public and private companies. In parallel, his Master thesis looks at a psychological factor for fostering innovation, learning behaviors, and team performance where innovation projects are complex, uncertain, and interdisciplinary.
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  • Damien Buchs

  • CHIC Team
Profile picture of Pablo Garcia
  • Pablo Garcia

  • CHIC Team (Alumni)
Marc is a scientific collaborator in the College of Humanities at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and lecturer at the University of Lausanne, where he teaches BA and MA course in the field of Asian studies with an orientation on technology and innovation. Trained as an economist, then in Chinese studies, his research looks at innovation in emerging markets both from a macro perspective (e.g., implications on the global innovation landscape) and a micro perspective (business model innovation in emerging markets). In addition his research looks at specific aspects of China’s innovation landscape (e.g., shanzhai, makerspaces, etc.). He also explores applied pedagogy and, in particular, experiential learning (e.g., summer camp for HEC students in an emerging market). Marc obtained his PhD on China’s telecommunication reforms from the London School of Economics. He holds a Master Degree in International Management (HEC, 1997) and an undergraduate degree in Business Management from the University of Lausanne (1993) with a Minor in Information Systems. He studied Chinese Language and Economics for two years at Fudan University, Shanghai (1993-1995) and one semester at the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada (1996).
Profile picture of Marc Laperrouza
  • Marc Laperrouza

  • CHIC Team, Coordinator
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Profile picture of External member
  • External member

  • Supervisor