Shenzen & Seeed Studio: Here we are !

By Adrien Born July 18, 2016 Discover Okeep project

For the first day in Seeed Studio, we visited the place and started planning the week.

It should be quit busy; Audrey and Patrick the engineers will work on the electrical aspect, and Victor the industrial designer will work on the helmet’s design. Mikhail is coding the app and Pablo, the user experience expert, will help him with the visual aspect. Adrien and Pablo need to work on the website and make few improvements on the pitching slides.


After a nice Chinese lunch we went back to Seeed Studio where we visited their production of PCBs and other electrical component.

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Then Victor and Patrick started planning the day and realized we had a small issue, on the back of the helmet we miss 2cm for one of the PCBs, but no big deal a solution is possible. However it was not the only problem, after asking for the actual PCB it appears it was not flexible as they were supposed to be… moreover many components are missing and there a few error in the PCBs… The beginning of the journey is tough, that is work we guess 

Tomorrow we might go to a specific market to buy every pieces, we hope to start working on a real prototype.

The logo is slightly changing, we abandoned the two cute eyes for something more serious.