
OKEEP is a connected bicycle helmet for urban areas. It is designed to bring you safety with style. Be seen with front & back lights. Be anticipated with blinkers, and be guided with an audio GPS.



Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Audrey Marullaz
  • Audrey Marullaz

Profile picture of Patrick Bobbink
  • Patrick Bobbink

Profile picture of Mikhail Vorobiev
  • Mikhail Vorobiev

Profile picture of Victor Guittet
  • Victor Guittet

Profile picture of Adrien Born
  • Adrien Born

Profile picture of Pablo Perez
  • Pablo Perez

  • ECAL

Contact us


Our blog

OKEEP’s last days in Shenzen

July 27, 2016

Time went fast, this post is catching up on all we did those past days. Day 5: On Friday the whole team went to Seed to work hard. Patrick were… [...]

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Day 12 – Work work work work work

July 24, 2016

Not all the teams were in their best shape after the late night of day 11 but this day was not one allowing procrastination. The amount of students dressed in pink… [...]

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Day 3 & 4 – soon 1st functional prototype

July 21, 2016

Yesterday Adrien tried to go to a bike shop to see the helmets sold and get insight about the market in Shenzen but unfortunately once arrived at the destination there… [...]

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Day 2 in Seeed Studio

July 19, 2016

Seeed Studio told us the missing components should arrive at 2pm, however to be sure, electrical engineers went to the Huaqiangbei market to buy some of them. It went well… [...]

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Day 7, First day in Shenzhen!

July 18, 2016

Finally, the first day of work is here, everyone is very excited to start implementing their prototypes. But first things first: we need a lot of strength to get through… [...]

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Shenzen & Seeed Studio: Here we are !

July 18, 2016

For the first day in Seeed Studio, we visited the place and started planning the week. It should be quit busy; Audrey and Patrick the engineers will work on the… [...]

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1st day – Take off your mind

July 12, 2016

Monday morning, the alarm rings (like the onions) , let’s pack and meet everybody at 9 am sharp in BC 410. Well… not so sharp, it’s 9:15 and many people… [...]

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Week 14 – Final week, final milestone

May 24, 2016

This is it, we are heading to the final milestone ! The journey seems to end but it is in fact just beginning… We almost have a prototype for the… [...]

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Week 11- Almost there !

May 17, 2016

This is the last run before the final milestone next week ! An initial version of the electronics is here. So far one mistake has been found and solved, the… [...]

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Week 10 – Positioning

May 1, 2016

Milestone 2 went well but we are waiting for the feedbacks. We will keep you updated about that next week ! About the positioning here is where OKeep would be:… [...]

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Big shift !

April 20, 2016

Yes it is a big shift for Okeep ! We had this meeting with our supervisors yesterday and their good advice made us take a big turn ! We are… [...]

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Week 8 – Be challenged and keep going !

April 18, 2016

  We met this week and talked about the screen, LED, TFT ? Color or monochrome ? We encountered more issues, what about resistance (when falling), waterproof, etc… Many questions… [...]

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Week 7

April 10, 2016

For a week holidays are over, we got back to work and from now, we won't change the core function of our product. It consists in 4 "parts"; 2 patches… [...]

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Week 5 – Soon 1st milestone

March 22, 2016

On Thursday we have the 1st milestone, meaning that we would present the progress of OKeep. The journey so far is very exciting but not so easy ! Here are… [...]

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Week 4 – Waze & more…

March 15, 2016

The second version of the survey is almost done ! We are now trying to dertermine the price and verify if people are ok with dynamos. More interviews are in… [...]

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Week 3 – OKeep goes green !

March 11, 2016

Our connected device will be powered by a dynamo ! After considering using a solar panel (very bad idea in a city center with tall buildings), we decided to use… [...]

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Models & Diagrams

March 7, 2016

Week 2 is now over  and it was a productive one ! Our team has mainly been discussing the different possibilities to power our device: dynamo, solar panel, or lithium… [...]

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The real start for Okeep

February 28, 2016

Welcome to the page of our Okeep project, aimed at improving security for bikes. With the beginning of the new semester comes the real start of our project. Until now,… [...]

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