This week we have finally (and fortunately) met M. Farhat, a fluid mechanics teacher at EPFL. It turned out that EPFL has many high-end facilities allowing to simulate high pressurized media – exactly what we need. M. Farhat was very interested in our project and allowed us to test the waterproofing of some samples. The results were encouraging, showing that basic preforms&caps seem to be waterproof under at least 7 bars of pressure. Longer tests are to be done next week, when we will also meet another engineer, specialist in waterproofing design.
Regarding coding and electronics, the prototype is functional and can store up to 5 days of data. However we are trying to implement an external memory which would allow us to store up to 2 years of data! The phone application is also progressing : based on Elise’s mockup, Rémi has made a basic app which will soon implements NFC communication!